Above: Betty Mae helping a Duvall Home student with their artwork
Betty Mae, one of our distinguished board members, recently shared her thoughts about our community outreach with the Duvall Home students. Please take a moment to read the impact this program is having.
Art is so much a part of who I am that when I look at the sky while driving or walking, or when I pass an amazing tree or body of water with light dancing on it, I can’t help but think how I could put it on paper or canvas. I find amazing joy in Art. The colors of the paints transform my soul and the feel of all the tools and media in my hands causes me to feel completely soothed in a way nothing else can. Art defines me.
I love sharing this feeling of creative energy with others. This June and July, ArtWorks DeLand and West Volusia Artist has entered into a partnership that has afforded me that opportunity. On each Wednesday, except July 3rd, numerous volunteers have met at the Duvall Resource Center on Rich Avenue to share our love of art with those mentally and physically challenged adults who would otherwise not have this opportunity to delve into this world we love.
I have never encountered a more rewarding experience in my life. To be able to share something that gives me joy and peace and then see the faces of the participants light up at their accomplishments, has given me more than it has given them. I leave there refreshed and excited, as I have seen art transformed in a new and different way in this unlikely place.
The pride each resident has in their work of art is heartwarming. The first participant I assisted was so excited to give her Dad her collage for Father’s Day . She had been concerned about having nothing for him prior to this. Now she had a “masterpiece”.
This has been the most rewarding experience of my art journey. I am truly grateful.
Betty Mae Stallings-Huber – Board Member
Please consider donating to our GoFundMe. The money is used to fund art supplies for our community outreach.